Thursday, December 26, 2013

colors about you


If your favorite color is blue...                                                                                                      You've got a set of ways and you're sticking to them. Yep, it's your way or the highway. And no, not in a selfish way. But lovers of the color blue have very strong opinions and don't think that they should have to change for anybody else. You still hear what others say, it's just that you don't want to only be popular. Having your own ideas is more important to you.
If your favorite color is purple...
Purple is the color of royalty but if it's your favorite color then your keyword is "balance." If you love purple, then you always find yourself in unbalanced situations and are constantly trying to maintain that balance. It could be in your friendships, love life, schoolwork, or at home with the family, but you're always trying to keep things steady
If your favorite color is pink...
You don't care what other people think of you, you just want to be loved for who you are. Just as pink as a color associated with the heart and love, lovers of the color pink need to be reassured that their friends and family love them
If your favorite color is brown...
You're not concerned with other people except the ones that are most important in your life. You have a tight-knit inner circle and the people that remain on the outside of that circle don't really bother you much. As long as your inner circle is happy, you are content.
If your favorite color is silver...                                                                                                     You're able to look beyond your own needs in most situations. You are very thoughtful and always know when something is wrong. People look to you for advice because they trust it won't be biased.

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