Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence Was Almost Suspended From School

Since taking Hollywood by storm Jennifer Lawrence has tripped at the Oscars (twice), spoke about food in almost every interview ever, and continuously pranked her co-stars. One thing she hasn't done is break the law. However, according to her high school friends, the Hunger Games star used to be a total rebel and was even almost suspended from school!
Her friends opened up to the Daily Mail and recalled a time Jen actually jumped off the back of her school bus during a moment of panic. Apparently the driver didn't let the girls off at their usual stop and Jen started making comparisons between her real life situation and the book she had been reading.
"Jen had just finished reading the book Ransom about a kidnapping, so she literally thought she was being kidnapped.," her friend explained. "They skipped our stop and the driver still didn't let us off, so Jen said, 'Right, if I jump out of the back of the bus will you all follow?'
"Out of nowhere she just lifts up the emergency exit and leaps out, I've never seen anyone run so fast, it was like she took five steps in the air. No one followed her, not one person. It's illegal to do that as well."
The next day at school the principal wanted to suspend Jen since she broke the rules, but she wasn't having it.
"She told them she had [Posttraumatic Stress Disorder] over the incident after reading the book and they ended up giving her a week off homework."
How funny! Even back in high school Jen knew how to act really distraught!
Are you surprised that Jen jumped off the back of the bus?

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